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Happy New Year!

Posted by Jules Happy Rone on

Annnnnd just like that, it's 2018.  The holidays are over, December is over, it's January so it's time to hibernate and time to breathe.  The only problem with that is that I seem to have a hard time sitting still.

The new year gives me all these thoughts and ideas about new things to make happen for 2018.  In a few minutes I'll start a major store re-organization, refreshing and renewing and rearranging and probably some other re-words.  ;)  I have all sorts of new ideas for products - I'll think about where to put them later.  Ways to reach you all - sleep is for the weak!  (Actually I could really go for a nap about now.)  And even new ideas for products we're going to look in to manufacturing - and thank you ALL for such a great response to Jules Tones!  :)

Our first new line for 2018 arrived yesterday and it's already looking like it'll be a big hit.  Take a look at a few of our favorites, and then go explore the soap collection.  And as always, make sure to follow us on facebook, instagram and pinterest, and stay tuned, fun stuff is ahead ... as soon as I defrost.