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"Love this shop...thank you for being open!"

Posted by Jill Klein Rone on

The Momager's First Blog Post!

Oh my gosh..... Josh just keeps the hits coming.  New crystal clusters, hummingbirds and butterflies flitting about, casting rainbows and good feelings. Only part of why the lady said, "I love this shop!  It's so much fun!!  Thank you for being open!" I love it, too.  It's been a treat to spend four days in here while Jules basks in the sunshine and re-energizes her little energizer bunny batteries.  You know she never stops thinking of all of you and the wonderful ways she can add to the feel-good, just-have-to-smile retail therapy people like the lady above experience when they are surrounded with the enchantment of Jules. Treat yourself and come visit, virtual is ok, too.  Join the fun on Facebook!  If you've been there, you've seen the photos of the new Freakers - pretty amazing that one size fits all..... because, well, you know., size matters.

Ok, I did it.  I'm not quite a dinosaur when it comes to technology, more like a hatching dragon.  My question to Jules, did I use enough exclamation points?!!!  

Love & laughter, Jules' Momager, Jill