News — New
New stuff!
Posted by Jill Klein Rone on
Surprise! It's me again, Momager. I don't want you to get bored with me, so i'm purposely keeping my posts few and a while in between. ;-) (Jules: that's her story and she seems to be sticking to it... ) It seems like every time i come in, there's new stuff! Or maybe, it's my memory and it only seems like new stuff. (A little of both, actually.) That works for me. It's like forgetting that you've already met or know someone and meeting them all over again. I love having new people in my life! But i digress. (Frequently....
Harmony Kingdom Blog Spectacular!
Posted by Jules Happy Rone on
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away ... (Okay, actually, it was right here, and 20 years ago to be exact, but that's not nearly as interesting of a lead in) ... I started working in this cool little shop. My favorite line was the neatest collection of collectables, called Harmony Kingdom. Created in England, these intricately carved animals, flowers and figures are not JUST amazing works of art, they also have some special hidden way of opening that makes them boxes! Look inside to see a hidden surprise - another animal, dinner, something sweet...
"Love this shop...thank you for being open!"
Posted by Jill Klein Rone on
The Momager's First Blog Post! Oh my gosh..... Josh just keeps the hits coming. New crystal clusters, hummingbirds and butterflies flitting about, casting rainbows and good feelings. Only part of why the lady said, "I love this shop! It's so much fun!! Thank you for being open!" I love it, too. It's been a treat to spend four days in here while Jules basks in the sunshine and re-energizes her little energizer bunny batteries. You know she never stops thinking of all of you and the wonderful ways she can add to the feel-good, just-have-to-smile retail therapy people like the...
We're FREAKING out!
Posted by Jules Happy Rone on
We're freaking out over these freaking awesome products from Freaker USA! I first found this company listening to a podcast with one of the creators. I was intrigued. I went to their web site. I was amused. I researched the product further. I was hooked. ;) Our first shipment arrived this week and I immediately chose a Snailed It as my first Freaker. So far it's been on my juice/shake/smoothie cup, my water bottle, my small coke bottle, a bottle of sparkling water, my cell phone, my hand ... you get the picture. Every bottle needs a sweater, and...
Harmony Kingdom New Releases!
Posted by Jules Happy Rone on
It's always exciting when Harmony Kingdom introduces new pieces, and this time is no exception! Welcome Crushtacean & Scruffy Dog! Arriving very soon, and ready for pre-ordering now, we can't wait to see them! Explore the Collection ...