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New stuff!

Posted by Jill Klein Rone on

Surprise!  It's me again, Momager.  I don't want you to get bored with me, so i'm purposely keeping my posts few and a while in between. ;-)  (Jules: that's her story and she seems to be sticking to it... )  It seems like every time i come in, there's new stuff!  Or maybe, it's my memory and it only seems like new stuff.  (A little of both, actually.)  That works for me.  It's like forgetting that you've already met or know someone and meeting them all over again.  I love having new people in my life!  But i digress.  (Frequently.  ;) )  There really is new..... old stuff in the store.  You may have heard that we've had a big influx of new/old visitors.... the Roly Polys!  Right, like old friends re-entering your life.  If you know these little guys, then you know how cool they are, and if you don't, well, come on in or visit the website and see for yourself.  And if i'm here when you come in, introduce yourself (again?)  I promise to be just as nice whether i know you or not!  Cause i'm just that kind of person - i get it from Jules!! :-) And you can, too.... get neat stuff from Jules, that is... Say goodbye, Jill..... Goodbye, Jill!   (Bye, mom!)