Animal: Pelican
Artist: Peter Calvesbert
Made In: England
Status: Fixed Editions
Edition Size: 500
Carving Date: 2007
Release Date: 2/6/2008
In Store Date: 6/20/2008
Dimensions (Inches): 1.75 x 1.75 x 3.75
S e c r e t s:
Master Carver Peter Calvesbert reports that he loves the pelican. It fits his category of weird and wonderful, and always makes him smile. Additionally, he and pelicans have some similarities. They both catch fish, are ungainly on land, and have large beaks (this according to Peter). “St. James’s Park” is inscribed on the lid. This park, close to Buckingham Palace, is home to five pelicans; four from Eastern Europe and one from Louisiana, USA. The interior of this fixed edition box figurine portrays a pigeon. One of the St. James’s pelicans was recently pictured in the British press scoffing down a hapless pigeon.