Purchased from a collectable store that went out of business, this piece has been carefully checked, and is in perfect condition with the original box.
Interior: Caduseus/Medical Symbol
(Macaques are used in medical research)
Crested Black Macaque Minutiae
Aside from humans, macaques are most widespread primate genus, ranging from northern Africa to Japan.
Twenty-two species currently recognized.
Three species endangered: Lion-Tailed, Moor and Crested Black. Although Crested Blacks are monkeys, sometimes wrongfully referred to as apes due to short tails. Monkeys typically have longer tails. As few as 4000 Crested Blacks survive in tropical rainforest preserves on northeasternmost tip of Sulawesi in Indonesia. Habitat loss and hunting have taken their toll, and laws against poaching rarely enforced. Humans introduced Crested Black to Pulau Bacan, an island 345 miles from Sulawesi, in 1867. Since little human habitation, population has boomed and up to 100,000 live there.
One of smaller macaque species: 17-24” in length and 12-22 lbs.
Males almost twice size of females.
Feed on leaves, roots, sprouts, buds, fruit, insects and caterpillars. 70% of diet consists of fruits. Important seed-dispersers.
Live in groups of 5-25. Smaller groups have single male; larger groups have up to 4 males. Females always outnumber males by about 4:1. Males disperse from troop when they reach maturity. Sometimes form bachelor groups.
Primarily terrestrial, spending more than 60% of the day on ground foraging for food and socializing. Less than 40% of time spent in trees sleeping and searching for food.
After gestation period of 174 days, females give birth to one young during spring when food more plentiful.
Life expectancy estimated at 20 years.
Used in animal testing. Macaques account for 79% of all primates used in research in UK, and 63% of all federally funded research grants for projects using primates in U.S.