Animal: Chipmunks
Artist: Peter Calvesbert
Made In: England
Status: Fixed Editions
Edition Size: 1500
Carving Date: 2004
Release Date: 1/14/2005
In Store Date: 5/5/2005
Dimensions (Inches): 2.04 x 2.25 x 2.66
S e c r e t s:
Chipmunk is the common name for any of 25 species of small terrestrial squirrels native to North America, Asia and Europe. But evidently, they must be fairly rare in the English Cotswolds. Master Carver Peter Calvesbert had never seen a chipmunk in the wild until he stayed at the Rhode Island home of Kirk and Karen Gorden, both HK collectors. “K.K. Gordon” inscribed on the lid commemorates his hospitable hosts. The second lid inscription, “21.11.04”, is the date that Peter finished the wax model. He included an interior ladybug because “my workshop appears to be a ladybird sanctuary this winter.”