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PuppetMe Contest!

Posted by Jules Happy Rone on

Like to win stuff? Want to travel or dine with someone famous? Wondering what these two things have to do with each other? Well, I'm about to tell you, stop being so impatient! ;)

This weekend is the start of our Puppet Me contest. To enter, choose your favorite Magnetic Personality. Then, tell us why or where you'd like to take the puppet. Write a sentence, write a story! Are you planning a road trip and could use Elvis to help navigate? Are you planning a heist and need to run everything by Sherlock Holmes first? All submissions - either via e-mail ( or through facebook - must be received by April 18th. Then comes the fun part. All submissions will be posted on facebook for all to see. One like = one vote. The top 5 people with the most votes at midnight on May 13th will win the finger puppet they chose. The one person with the most votes will also win a $40 Jules Gift Certificate! *We'll ship the finger puppets to you for free if you win if you're inside the US* (Please remember that these entries will be public so nothing dirty - this is a family store!)

Have you met the Magnetic Personality Finger Puppets yet? Sure, they're absolutely great for kids and to teach them about famous and interesting people. They're also great for adults ... or at least all the adults I know! Presidents, artists, authors, scientists, there's a Magnetic Personality for every personality. Great for teaching, for kids, for when your fingers are cold and lonely, or, for when you don't want to drink alone. I have a friend who selected one for each attendee of a dinner party she was hosting. Shakespeare has helped a local theater learn Kiss Me, Kate. Someone else recently took Marilyn Monroe to Switzerland!

You never know where the Magnetic Personalities will wind up next, make sure you follow us on facebook and instagram to follow their journey!

More details can be found on facebook at: